Women's Business Grants


Women's Business Grants
- Business Grants Success Guide

We know how important it is to get a coveted business grant, so we present the Business Grants Success Guide. You will find articles, tips, advice and a lot of know how to ensure your business grant application is all it can be, so you will get the business grant you want.

Grant Applications

Crafting the perfect cover letter for your grant application
Make sure your cover letter not only includes all the important information but also makes the best impression possible.

Ten reasons your grant application may be denied
Think your grant application is perfect? Think again, and make sure you aren't making one of these critical mistakes in your application.

Top twenty tips for getting your business grant application accepted
Think of this as your checklist before sending out any business grant application

Business Plans

17 business plan mistakes that could jeopardize you getting that business grant
Writing a business plan is an essential step for starting a business, but when you need to use it to send it a grant application, make sure your business plan isn't going to fail you.

Finding Business Grants

Top twelve tips for finding business grants
Tips for finding those sometimes elusive business grants

Grants for Women State-by-State
Find grants in your own state

Grants for specific diverse groups
Find grants for ethnic groups (such as African American & Native American) and grants specific for single mothers, veterans and those with disabilities. Now includes resources for immigrants & illegal immigrants.

Financing Beyond Business Grants

15 Ways to find extra cash within your business
Make sure you aren't spending too much money on aspects of your business that you really could use somewhere else.

About Women's Business Grants

Why - are we giving business grants to women?  

What - type of business grants are we giving? 

Who - is eligible for a business grant

When - will the business grants be awarded? 

How - do I apply for a business grant

Donate - $5 to support the Women's Financial Fund to create more grants!

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Women's Financial Fund is a private funding source run by Womens-Finance.com