Women's Business Grants - Women's Financial FundTop ten tips
for getting your business grant application accepted
Do you need to have your business plan completed before applying for the business grant? While some grants do not require a business grant, others may require you have one ready incase they ask for it during the process. You don't want your grant application to be accepted pending submittal of your business plan, and discover you only have two days before the deadline to write one in. So if you do apply for one that requires a business plan make sure you either have one done or know it will be completed in time. There are plenty of resources and books available on writing business plans, including sample business plans and where to research the relevant information you would need to include in your business plan. A quick trip to your local library or book store will have multiple books on writing business plans and might include one that is similar to the kind of business plan you will need to write. Next... Tip # 4 or Return to the beginning
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