Women's Business Grants


Women's Business Grants - Women's Financial Fund

17 business plan mistakes that could jeopardize getting a business grant
Tip # 1 - Follow Business Plan Guidelines

If you don't know how to write one properly, find out. There are plenty of resources online available that show what needs to be in a business plan, and there are also a ton of templates available so you can do it quite easily.

And don't forget Amazon.com or your local bookstore, there are a ton of recources on business plans available there too... and you just might find one of the "samples" is in your industry.

Your business plan is not an area where you want to wing it and guess at what should be in it. And if you are thinking your business is creative, and your business plan should reflect that, make your writing style creative. But if a business grant committee is looking at your business plan for the financials section, and you have called the something crazy like Show Me The Money, you can guarantee they will be showing your business plan the rejection pile.

Next... Business Plan Mistakes # 2 or Return to the beginning


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